Running a show using QLab 4 and want to upgrade QLab 5 can unlock. We reserve the right to remove posts and/or comments that contain blatantly dangerous advice. QLab is sound, video, and lighting control for macOS. Always consult properly trained personnel when making any decisions on rigging, construction methods, or other areas of production technology that involve risk to life and property. Sound, video, and lighting control for macOS. An exploration of the tools needed to live-stream the output of QLab to the internet. Example: /scene 1. Example: /scene 1 will activate the first scene in OBS.
The mods and users of /r/techtheatre assume no liability for any loss or damages due to advice given in this subreddit. This guide describes how CL/QL/TF series is remotely controlled by QLab, the industry standard show control software running on Mac, how to set up and. Together, the 16 of us build tools that help people put on a show in ways they. In QLab you can use quotations to wrap into a single argument: /scene 'Webcam 1' by Index as Scene /scene index number activate a scene with the index associated from the logged list. Photos of your space / How did they do that? Automated Thread Archives 4.47K subscribers Subscribe Like Share 6.

DateĪMA Rules Filter content by post type: Click Here to Reset filters to QLab Hi I am looking for a way to program a show on two computers (one for sound and one for lights) and then run the finished show on one computer. Header Artwork by q2q Comics Important InfoĪll AMAs listed in eastern time zone.